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The Museum of Vestigial Desire


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There is more of it where it comes from. But if it does not come it does not mean that there is nothing left.

When you have a reservoir, you expect a continuous supply. Sometimes the continuity of the supply does not happen. Issues spring up with the piping or the pressure. There can still be more left in the reservoir but the fact that it does not flow out of the tap that suggests that something is wrong.

Analysing this problem will require us to think more about sources and the way they supply.

When you put the tap on, water flows out. Why does it do that? Why is water happy to flow out of my tap?

If we think about the ease with which things flow, the strangeness of the situation will be apparent. Gravity is a cause but not the motivation.

Maybe you can describe every aspect of the flow, but we will still not be convinced. For us there is a magic to what is otherwise ordinary for you. And in a moment this magic will become understandable to you.

Think about particulate geometry. Think about the water particles before they disintegrate into a flow. There is attraction and bonding between the particles. When gravity acts, because it is stronger than this particle-particle bond, there is flow. But in this process the invisible gesture that we need to slow down and expand is the wilful, voluntary detachment that the water particles enact. After a point they agree to each go their own way. How mature is that?

Supply can easily become just a flip-flop component of the binaries of supply/demand. But we are choosing to talk just about the flip. The act of giving at the particulate level as a force is stronger than the the urge to take. One does not facilitate the other, they fall into each other's arms. Supply is a dance partner of demand.

If transactions have to be talked about, the supply side has more fuel, more material for exploitation.

Traders just think about conjuring tricks for pulling money out of unsuspecting pockets, but we are thinking about the forces that act just in time to put it in the pocket in the first place. What gives anyone the privilege to supply in the first place?

The shadow of crime is always behind the ability to supply.

If you don't crime, how will you climb?

We are not talking of crime in its legal definition. We have nothing to do with law because it only applies to stable bodies-mind organisms and we are much more.

We are talking of crime in terms of its context in the violation of people, energies and bonds. This kind of crime exalts itself in the crossing of boundaries, in the establishment of new contractual relationships. If you give me something, I might give nothing back. Or I might give you everything, look outside there might be truck waiting for you.

This crime accommodates the inequity in give-and-take exchanges and amplifies the neglected negative space of equations. Equations have certitude in themselves and to destabilise them is quite a sporty thing to do.

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