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The Museum of Vestigial Desire

Education tags: action reminiscence social

The social used to be of a different nature. Agreed. But who will peg a value at what that nature was? Who will reminiscence about it on this fresh day, in this real time. With the fresh stink of the living around you, who will go get stuck in the past. It is difficult, for that past is a black and white movie. As fake as it gets. I think of more things than mourning the arrival of this moment. Of more than being apprehensive of its validity. More than assuming that there is de-sync somewhere.…

Misremembering tags: unfulfilled desire time-travel memory

Nothing can be remembered. Remembering is like time-travel, time-travel is impossible. What happens is that you and me go around, and stuff happens and then time passes and we mistakenly feel that that stuff happened to us. I mean, as far as I can fathom, continuity is a fiction we concoct to smooth the bumpy ride through life. We really need to believe this life-story thing. This personal-panorama-in-the-head thing. Else think of the way it would be, we would have to be honest. Faces remain…