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The Museum of Vestigial Desire

Tag Archives: tale

The cook and the cold water tags: tale history pan-asia

This tale is about a cook, who passed on secrets through the subtle layers of taste of what he cooked. Today we do not know the cook, we know the secrets, but we do not know what they mean. In a way like encrypted wireless signals - we can see that they are there, but not what they carry. This cook did a lot of other things in his life besides cooking. When we started studying his life, we found photographs of him sitting around, hiding and organising conferences. We have been asked by various…

The mechanic tags: tale repair

The man who lived across the river, drove a small brown car. It was quite old, but was still quiet and efficient. One day this car broke down, and then this man had to walk everywhere. He didn't like using the train, or the bus. He just walked. The breakdown of the car was a pivotal moment in his life. For he was a mechanic and he owned a garage. When he walked, he walked between home and the garage and back. The breakdown of his car was a pivotal moment is his life because he could not fix it…

Defragmention failure tags: fragment-fetish alteredstates tale

I am living an episode of defragmentation failure. A random offer of organising the fragments of my museum came in yesterday. And it caught me off-guard. It made me wonder what cohesiveness, consistency of surface is like. Does it actually lead to a new narrative? I allowed the experiment to take its course. There arrived before me an instruction manual to carry out a defragmentation process. It had detailed steps and illustrations for carrying out the process. And I tried my best to follow…