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The Museum of Vestigial Desire

Tag Archives: repair

History will have to disappear tags: repair repression

Service is already agreed to be an act of empathy. A channel of co-experience. So I service memory, make history disappear. You can talk to me as if history were washed away. History being an archive of collective experience, not the moss that a spinning lifespan gathers (there is another page for nostalgia somewhere in the museum). History will have to disappear, because time is not a cemetery. What will we do with so many dead people, so many ghosts? Land will run out, where will the…

The mechanic tags: tale repair

The man who lived across the river, drove a small brown car. It was quite old, but was still quiet and efficient. One day this car broke down, and then this man had to walk everywhere. He didn't like using the train, or the bus. He just walked. The breakdown of the car was a pivotal moment in his life. For he was a mechanic and he owned a garage. When he walked, he walked between home and the garage and back. The breakdown of his car was a pivotal moment is his life because he could not fix it…